In 2001, the family of Rabia Moon, and a group of dedicated doctors, and healthcare professionals recognized the full scope of the dismal state of public healthcare; especially in the fields of neurological and psychological disorders. That was the genesis of our public service mission. The team at the Rabia Moon Trust was determined to provide free, class leading healthcare to the most vulnerable in our society. In March 2001, they established the Rabia Moon Memorial Institute of Neurosciences in service of this mission. Since its inception, funds from our respected generous donors has helped provide free healthcare to millions of Pakistanis. The institute currently runs at a yearly cost of PKR 80 million, and this cost is increasing with the growth in the scope and scale of our free health care services. We rely upon the generosity of our donors, and accept all contributions including Zakat, Donations and Sadaqat. We request you to join this mission to serve the most underprivileged, and vulnerable members of our community.
How to send Zakat & Donations?
Donation Account Number: 0006867201000151
IBAN Donation #: PK89MUCB0006867201000151
Zakat Account Number: 0105801010073772
IBAN Zakat #: PK69MUCB0105801010073772
Bank Branch Address: MCB Bahadurabad Branch, Karachi
In 2001, the family of Rabia Moon, a group of dedicated doctors, and healthcare professionals recognized the full scope of the dismal state of public healthcare; especially in the fields of neurological and psychological disorders. That was the genesis of our public service mission. The team at the Rabia Moon Trust was determined to provide free, class-leading healthcare to the most vulnerable in our society. In March 2001, they established the Rabia Moon Memorial Institute of Neurosciences in service of this mission. Since its inception, funds from our respected generous donors have helped provide free healthcare to millions of Pakistanis. The institute currently runs at a yearly cost of PKR 90-105 million, which is increasing with the growth in the scope and scale of our free healthcare services. We rely upon the generosity of our donors and accept all contributions including Zakat, Donations, and Sadaqat. We request you to join this mission to serve the most underprivileged, and vulnerable members of our community.
I would like to donate a little bit of funds. Can I do that with Credit Card?
Imran Mahdi
YES, you can send your donation amount in our donation account
Donation A/c: 0006867201000151
IBAN Donation: PK89MUCB0006867201000151